Friday, November 28, 2008


It's a tight season in our economy right now... Hours at my job aren't always full time- winter hotel business is slow... Christmas is coming, which will be Erin and I's most creative christmas yet... (Thanks Martha). (Well and Erin- for her knowledge of so many crafty things). We found out- though we knew a bit dated- our Water Heater doesn't seem to be heating anymore... We are looking into some options as we have our first OVERNIGHT guests tomorrow night, and of course would love to shower in our home with other than ice cold. Hopefully all will be in order soon. My father in law is going to see if it may just be an easy fix? We shall know the outcome of that soon. I think a hole has officially and supernaturally burned inside my wallet- he he just kidding. Yet still though things are financially a bit stressful- I considered this morning- how blessed we still are. We have a place to call home, we have food to eat, we have each other, we still have the funds we need to get by, we have family, we have love, we have laughter, we have pain and are made stronger, most of all we have Him, the tightest thing of all.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

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