Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Facing a Fog...

I had a morning drive to which I felt was somewhat symbolic. I know only 2-3 read this but bare with my attempt to make sense. I started my car, and began the regular 4 minute defrosting process. As I began to head towards work, I was slightly surprised by the amount of existent morning fog. Sometimes fogs can cause you to take extra caution. sometimes they are impossible to navigate safely thru, and sometimes, all you have is the White "safety/shoulder" line. This particular fog, was not the worst I have ever experienced. But I began to think about how- I am sort of in a Foggy stage of my life right now. (I can't speak for Erin; though she may also feel this way.) Its not always a negative when life is foggy. Its usually just a time to use caution, move carefully, focus on the "white line", make no rash choices etc. I thought to myself, this is somewhat ironic... Because here I am, attempting to look into my life, my financial place, my home/future home, career, life goals etc. Its all unknown possibilities. My desire is to push thru the unknown/fog. To get to clarity. To get where I need to be. When in all reality; I can't really do anything more then focus on the "white line" or Jesus. Some of you may believe differently, but I believe that its all His plan anyway. He is in control, whether I choose to act on that or not, whether I choose to believe in all circumstance or not. He is a continuous white line that provides safety, peace, comfort, security, and most of all a direction to follow. So though I may not know where I will be living, what I will be making, or where I will be working in even a year from now, He does. I just have to focus on HIM first. (then my wife, family, friends, etc.) All other things will come in His time. For some reason this is all so easy for me to forget. And even as I write, I am in no way close to perfecting this release of control or trust in Him. But I do thank God for his gentle reminder with the Fog this morning.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Hello, Hi, How's it going?, Holler...
(There hopefully all those salutations add up to the one's I have missed the last few weeks.)
Lots of things happening in the world and brain of Mr. E. (and Mrs. Too!) We are looking at the possibility of buying our first home. We were shocked in the amount it would most likely cost - if we got it at its full sale price. Luckily, if some circumstances taper out- we hope to make an offer for less than the full sale price. I am still on the job hunt. Via Craigs list, Kaiser Permanente, and Jobdango, I have probably submitted over 200 cover letter's and resume's over the last 6 months. Though I am blessed to have an income, and work, I just feel like I need to find something better. The myth that some males believe is that- they are defined by their work. True or not- it applies to this desire I have to succeed and be in a comfortable, supportive, advancing, and proffessional career. This jobhunt is one circumstance we wait upon in making our first offer. My car very well may on CAHOOTZ (SP). Jiffy Lube though not fully trustworthy mentioned a blown head gasket. My cousin Dan and I will be C.S.I'ing my car in a few days. However, if we buy a house, the likelihood of me affording a newer car, and selling this one- are slim... Money may be somewhat tight per month. Marriage is great. Yes, there are times where we are both frustrated, or times when we are at a loss for words. But there are also times, where we connect so well, where we love to just be with each other etc. It balances out. I think thats what Love is. Love is balanced. We have lots of dreams, lots of thoughts about the future, and lots of goals we hope to accomplish. As she knows so well, and moreso than me, we only are promised today. I get stuck so much trying to plan the future out, trying to understand and know how each situation will end. The reality is, in most if not all of the situations, I am the one with least amount of power or control. Change is about. Whether a stormy season, or a season of "Fall", its coming. Circumstances are due to change, our lifestyle is possible to change, Friends are moving, Jobs may be switching, yet all in all- HE is in control.