Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Migrating Whales.

The wifey and I had a very unique weekend. Saturday we were fortuneate enough to spend some time with some very close friends who came to visit from California. It never feels like enough time- but the time given- was great- and I wouldn't have traded it for anything. It always seems that HE provides everything just as we need. We learned that around the christmas holiday months- whales migrate near Point Dume (Malibu Beach). We hope to have enough saved in order to see mickey, stay for cheap at the hilton, see our dear friends, and watch whales... Thanks to K and M for taking time amidst family to see us. On Sunday, I woke up with what my wife woke up with last week. Intense sinus pressure, congestion, and cough.. However, was needed at church. We found out- that due to some budgeting focus and cuts- our campus is no longer going to be meeting after next weekend. Also, quite a few staff unfortuneately were let go. We don't know why HE has let this happen- however we are aiming to trust HE knows what HE is doing. Please be lifting us up, both as we continue to navigate thru the possible church crisis and I focus on feeling healthier.. I think I am almost there.

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