So this past weekend has been quite enjoyable. Erin and I today- the Second- celebrated our 6 month anniversary.. Its really surprising to me how fast this has come to be... It doesn't feel like yesterday that we were married- but it just feels like 6 months- was not at all that long. We celebrated by making it over to Sweet Tomato's for Brunch.. Lots of good selections.. My favorite the best breakfast burrito I have ever made! We then came home- and took a very very deep sleep type nap.. It was amazing.. I love naps.. My parents came into town making a stop here- on their way to cannon beach to celebrate their 34th year of marriage- and we met them at Beaches Restaurant... Amazingly all from just making a reservation over the phone- and mentioning the occasion- they write the names of those and the occasion being celebrated. They lay leighs on those celebrating... They gave my mom a candle, and my dad two beer glasses full of taffy.. Oh and they typed up their names on the specials menu's only for our table.. It was definately rad. I got to ask them favorite memory, and life lesson type questions- as I had my wife at breakfast. It was a very genuine day! I loved every second. Except the guy who just called my work and had not known any english.. Quite frustrating- trying to understand - but I'm over it!! ha ha. Another weird google image found...
I loved getting to spend so much time with you to celebrate 6 months! I love you and I'm excited for our 34 years!
Erik, You have not posted in a very long time. It's the cardinal sin of bloggers!
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