Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The White Trash Christmas Party Recap
So the party ended up being a blast! Erin and I, enjoyed our evening, as we had never seen so much food! (just kidding.) We gave away door prizes, and Strip Poker winner prizes... Everyone that ended up coming - actually won something. We switched from horrible christmas music- like the singing cats, "Walkin' Round in Woman's Underwear" - (a spoof of Winter Wonderland), and of course "Holiday" by Madonna... To the oldschool Super Mario Cartoon/Show- with the cheesy real people skits in the beginning of each episode. This one entitled, "Koopa Claus". There was a fire pit- outside- and pabst, food, warmth, and strip poker on the inside. Here are some pictures...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Yoplait and the Fork...
So as most of my devoted readers know, I have constantly been looking for a better job placement, working 55 hours a week - at two locations, and have been also trying to maintain all other bases... (God then wife, then family, friends and music... etc). I have been one busy fella'. Today, much like any other day the last few weeks... I woke up feeling more tired than when I went to bed, got ready to go, the wife helped prepare my "lunch" for the day, and with barely enough time to chow cereal down- finished up, and headed out. (Pausing to say- that my wife is incredible... She makes "Lunch" for me- everyday!!! And healthy too!- "Lunch" btw consists of four snacks, and two entrees..) I started my first job at the social services place, mostly supporting the medical assistant. Answering and routing calls, filing, data entry etc... usually this dictates the activities of my first day's 5 work hours.. Then I often race to Starbucks and get my drink- (black and white hot chocolate.) Though for the best cup of cocoa in the world visit NW Coffee on Burnside. After a bit of sippin' and reading my current book - that I aim to finish in less than a year, I often do a polo shirt switch in preparation for my second job. Motel 6. That is an 8 hour shift. I noticed as I began the thought processes regarding my second position- I became very, very tired. At the motel- there are completely calm times- and completely high stress times... In the midst of stressful moments often comes an attitude of mine that most aren't familiar with. A sometimes grumpy, or quietly jerky, or overwhelmed persona etc. It causes friction when MRS. Sutten often calls to talk, or I find myself being completely selfish. At the same point- its something I choose. Granted I may not have the best job or pay, but I can just as easily turn on Mr. Happy. In lieu of reaching that crossroads- I pulled out my snack- realizing I forgot both an ice pack and spoon, and am sitting here eating my yoplait with a plastic fork. It didn't make my day- but it sure is funny as Heckfire to watch me eat it.

The moral of the story is: If you are choosing to have a bad attitude- try eating yogurt with a fork.

The moral of the story is: If you are choosing to have a bad attitude- try eating yogurt with a fork.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Brought to you by the letter - "S"

I silently sifted down the stairs; letting the door not slam behind me. I sneezed as I stared at the simmering sun. My legs seperated, as my shoes sliced thru the slated grass. I climbed into my all familiar seat, and settled in as I pulled the seatbelt over my shoulder. I scratched my still slick and freshly shampoo'd hair. I started my car and listened to its not so smooth studder. I shifted into drive, and begain steering straight ahead down the small and slim road we live on. All of a sudden, a sleuthy green spider, slid down its string, seconds away from landing on the slope of my skin. My body was startled and began shivering at the thought of being stabbed by its sharp smile. I quickly slowed down, and separated the spider's web from its starting point. I then shucked it acrossed the seat and on to the opposite side panel of my not so safe motorized silo. If tomorrow I succomb to the startling sounds of strong muscles, and spidey-sense stewing, know that I will save you when you shriek for safety. My Sutten-Spidey Sense could be the next saving superstar story.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
34 Years and 6 Months

So this past weekend has been quite enjoyable. Erin and I today- the Second- celebrated our 6 month anniversary.. Its really surprising to me how fast this has come to be... It doesn't feel like yesterday that we were married- but it just feels like 6 months- was not at all that long. We celebrated by making it over to Sweet Tomato's for Brunch.. Lots of good selections.. My favorite the best breakfast burrito I have ever made! We then came home- and took a very very deep sleep type nap.. It was amazing.. I love naps.. My parents came into town making a stop here- on their way to cannon beach to celebrate their 34th year of marriage- and we met them at Beaches Restaurant... Amazingly all from just making a reservation over the phone- and mentioning the occasion- they write the names of those and the occasion being celebrated. They lay leighs on those celebrating... They gave my mom a candle, and my dad two beer glasses full of taffy.. Oh and they typed up their names on the specials menu's only for our table.. It was definately rad. I got to ask them favorite memory, and life lesson type questions- as I had my wife at breakfast. It was a very genuine day! I loved every second. Except the guy who just called my work and had not known any english.. Quite frustrating- trying to understand - but I'm over it!! ha ha. Another weird google image found...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Almost Brownies Time!!
I have come to the understanding that my blogs are a bit too "chalked full" of great things.. Tomorrow the play date is back in the schedule!!! I can't wait. The wife will be making brownies, and we will be jamming in our HOTTER THAN FRIED RICE apartment... Hopefully it won't be as hot tomorrow outside.. Don't I sound like the true Seattle-ite? Ha ha! But being in an upstairs apartment- you get hot days quite often. I am a little nervous about him coming over tomorrow- though I am not sure why? He is kind of a --- hmm whats the word.. Not hero, Not Idol, but someone I respect and wish I had more of his traits- specifically on the guitar. Anyways.. Thats enough for now.. Hope everyone who takes time to read this- is doing great!

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