Today... We saw our baby boy. The heart beat. His legs, back bone, head, arms, hands, feet, kidneys and so on. It was far more moving than I thought it to be. I never know what to expect at these appointments. Here I was thinking- I really think it will be a girl. I thought this because I knew in my head- it would be far more difficult to raise a girl. The minute it became evident it was a boy though- I thought the same thing. Its going to be difficult to raise a boy far more than it would to be a girl.
Erin has always wanted to grow kids with the first being the older brother. Once she got used to being pregnant- at least the idea of it she was more ok with whichever sex. It is the chinese- Year of the boy though... Apparently this prediction was correct.
I have wanted a boy from pretty much the start. I love that we can carry on the family name. I love that I can bestow the things that I have learned. The things that I know. I am so excited. We are startin the name game... and will keep everyone posted.
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