Thursday, January 29, 2009


I have had quite a series of dreams through out my lifetime. Goofy kinds. Sad kinds. Scandalous kinds. Frightening kinds. Completely realistic kinds. Abstract kinds. I think all kinds... I decided the other day it would be fun to write a song about the randomness of my dreams. A lot of times famous people are in my dreams as best friends. Characters from movies also often make appearances. Old friends houses, old bedrooms, old people, young people, people I don't know- but in my dream I know. The random list would consume the entirety of the world wide web. (WWW). So I literally sat down, and within about a 30 minute time period my song about dreams came to be. It will go thru some more edits, and changes, but the first draft- is quite exciting. YAY! I love the hype of new songs. For me its almost refreshing. I look forward the opportunity to share it with all of you. I also found this website... for some dream defining... . I am not as savvy as a fella's wife's blog of my favor of putting the word you click on to take you to the site... What are some of your dreams that you have of memory.

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