A somewhat typical morning as we arose after gracefully sleeping in... (which at this point in the story - we have not yet "become arosed"...) Erin returned from round one of prepping the boys for the day, getting them breakfast, and then dropping them off at their school. We had originally planned upon her return to go to the gym together. (Around 9ish now....) Upon her arrival, as I was eagerly awaiting came the opening of the door, and a giant yawn. So we did what any somewhat newly wed couple would do. We napped! It was pretty nice. About an hour or so later- we "awoke gracefully", her having a haircut scheduled. So she went off to do her thing. I decided to watch another episode of my current DVD SEASON craving- HOUSE Season 2. Towards the end of the episode- I heard a distantly loud and lingering thunder. My skin perked- if that's even possible- as I anticipated a possible thunderstorm and perhaps power outage. Which on the side I love! Moments later- Erin called on her way home from the haircutting place of choice, and said, "Quick, turn on the T.V. and turn to a news channel!" I immediately asked, "Why...?" She responded, "Because a Tornado just passed thru downtown Vancouver!!" (Noting- that the exclamaition point is not anger, but was inserted to express excitement and curiousity.) And so of course I did do just that. As my wifey made it home safely from a few blocks away I was completely thankful! Though we weren't holding onto each other with our dear lives, with nothing but a Belt tied to a pipe deep in the ground... I enjoyed spending time with my favorite wifey, having an eye on the storm. She is my best friend, my rock, and my inspiration. Whom by the way, has an amazingly HOT haircut! 143 forever. 

The word I made up- "arosed" could easily me mistaken for the mispelled word- aroused... Friends this was not a freudian slip- nor a typo- just was me being silly and using a fake word.
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