I have had an interesting last couple weeks of observing people on my way to and from work. I am seeing how the Economy is affecting many around us. Don't get me wrong, I feel completely blessed. I have everything and everyone I need. Sure there are ALWAYS things I want; but I believe those will come in time.
I am surrounded during my commute of people in need. People are continually both getting more creative and more desperate.
The Corner Cats.
This is a group of what portland generally classifies as Street Punks. You know who they are. They are loud. They are sometimes crazy. They ride the max from stop to stop and do not get off. They are often dressed in torn up clothes or lack there of. Some have dread locks, some have tattoos, some have dogs, and some have piercings. I know nothing of this group of individuals. But have noticed in the last few months the population of these groups has nearly doubled. It is really hard for me to not be annoyed or to instantly judge this group. I believe their need is deeper than I know. I think they long for and thrive on relationship. They seem to be so content with either little or nothing. They seem to enjoy most no agenda. I am sure some if not all would love a financial boost. I think they need and miss so often; real GRACE.
The Change Gang.
This for me is an even harder group to not ignore. To pass by and pretend to be changeless. Most the time though- Really all I am carrying is my debit. They are multiplying and creatively finding ways for asking for money. One asked me if I had a spare 10 laying around. One mentioned needing a dollar for a max ticket. Then I saw him circling the block. Of course I am not happy with my quickness to judge instead of love. I have a couple that often comes to my work a few times a day asking to exchange their change for solid bills, if even a mixture of two dollars in change. I had another ask me for spare change because she was trying to buy a birthday gift for her friend. What I believe- though really don't know for sure is that this group needs; real LOVE.
The Lost.
I don't mean in salvation. I mean the mentally challenged. There a few of these from time to time. People that come to the desk asking how much for the nicest room that reaches to the sky. People that come in mumbling various statements. People that come to the desk yelling for nothing or no apparent reason. This group of individuals sometimes is intimidating. Sometimes scary. Sometimes standoffish. What I believe- or am guessing is what this group needs; is real peace.
The moral of the story is- People's needs are always rooted deeper than I may ever know.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Annoying Songs... 101.
For whatever reason today I have been singing both outloud on the max, and in my head an annoying song from days of old. Back in the days of the long awaited free disney previews on t.v. Not sure if you remember shows like, "Kid's incorporated", "Winnie The Pooh" (non cartoon), or this one pictured below "Zoobilee Zoo"? The "Zoobilee Zoo Chorus has been stuck in my head for quite some time... Gah! Though listing, "Kid's Incorporated" now that one is also in my melodic memory.

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