We with a time crunch made an offer on a different house. 5 hours later they phone countered. We phone countered. They accepted. House inspection passed. Mostly cosmetic fixing things or things we could do to prevent mold/dry rought. Twoish weeks have passed and the loan process is now almost complete. We are signing papers tomorrow. Keys should be handed over- two days following. (Monday or Tuesday?) We have been packing as we still have 2 weeksish in our apartment. We plan to paint and get settled in nice and slow! (If slow is a 13 day process). We look forward to what's ahead. Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers!!! So many of you have contributed in some way in the house purchasing process, THANK YOU!

In other news... someone got a job offer from The Hilton Portland- Guest Service Agent and is taking it. Well-- Contingent upon a drug test of course. No poppeyseed's from me.